Start time
Friday 5 June, 00:00End time
Friday 5 June, 00:00The Place
AJŠ SRRespecting teachers’ professionalism involves recognizing their potential to reflect on who they are and on what they do. The development of a reflective capacity can enable teachers to seek answers to their questions and to deliberately think about what occurs in the classroom. This plenary examines how teachers can harness the power of reflection in order to develop their beliefs and practices and to position themselves as critical evaluators of professional identity and classroom events.
About Daniel Xerri
Daniel Xerri is a Lecturer in TESOL at the University of Malta. His most recent co-edited books are The Image in English Language Teaching (with Kieran Donaghy, 2017, ELT Council), ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice (with Jessica Mackay and Marilisa Birello, 2018, IATEFL), Teacher Involvement in High-stakes Language Testing (with Patricia Vella Briffa, 2018, Springer), Becoming Research Literate: Supporting Teacher Research in English Language Teaching (with Ceres Pioquinto, 2018, ETAS), and English for 21st Century Skills (with Sophia Mavridi, 2020, Express Publishing). Further details about his talks and publications can be found at:
Workshop - Teaching for Creativity